The Benefits of Upgrading to a More Fuel-Efficient Car

By: Kyla Millette   |   24 Jan 2023

While gas and diesel vehicles have been the standard for decades, more and more BC drivers are looking for ways they can reduce their carbon footprint and make better sustainable choices. As a leader in hybrid technology, Toyota vehicles are the perfect way to start with the lowest CO2 output and achieve 17% lower emissions than any other auto company. And so, what exactly makes fuel-efficient vehicles worth the upgrade? The team at Vernon Toyota is here to walk you through it!

  1. Less Green House Gases. Gas- and diesel-powered cars produce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGs) which release CO? gasses. CO? gasses are contributing to Climate Change daily, and a simple fuel-efficient vehicle like the Toyota Prius or Prime could be the ultimate decider between a healthy or dying climate. 
  2. Less Air Pollutants. Most of the smog and harmful particulates emitted into the environment come from highway vehicles. Since this continues to be a problem with every car on the road, choosing an FCV could be the best option for reducing air pollutants. While they do burn fossil fuels, which do somewhat cause harm, the emissions are much less harmful to the environment.  
  3. Better Mileage For Less Money. Let's say your car now is a gas guzzler that drips 10L/100km. If you are paying $1.50 per litre, you're spending an average of $2400 per year to drive your car. Let's say you drove the Toyota Camry Hybrid, which sips 4.9L/100km. At $1.50 per litre, you're paying only $1176 per year. That's $1224 in savings! Not to mention you are getting better gas mileage each time you drive your car.  
  4. Increases Energy Sustainability. Oil is a non-renewable source, and we are running out faster than we think. Cutting back on the oil when it comes to cars will give our scientists time to find renewable alternatives that allow for better fuel efficiency and fewer environmental risks. Hybrids and electric cars are the way to go, while expensive outright, you're still going to be saving in the future.
  5. Reduced Foreign Oil Dependence. This is a bit of an unknown fact. In 2020, Canada paid $11.5 billion for foreign oil, which primarily comes out of the Middle East. One-quarter of the oil we use to fuel our vehicles is imported from other countries. By controlling our use of petroleum, we can prevent the purchase of foreign oil and save big bucks for both ourselves and our country in the long run.  

Browse Hybrid Vehicles at Vernon Toyota

We’d bet after reading this, your interest in hybrid vehicles has been more than piqued. Thankfully, here at Vernon Toyota, we have an extensive inventory of hybrid and electric vehicles to explore. Browse our online inventory and contact us to set up a test drive!


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